The responsibility of choosing the members of the Committee rests with the Bank of Mexico. The Committee will be constituted in a manner such that representativeness within the foreign exchange market in Mexico is guaranteed and ensured by consideration of all different points of view.

In this context, members of the Committee will be chosen by the Bank of Mexico in accordance to their participation, influence, experience, and knowledge concerning the foreign exchange market and other related markets. The composition of the Committee might include banks, inter-dealer electronic and voice brokers, corporates, non-banking financial entities, infrastructure providers, among others.








Gerardo Israel García López
Bank of Mexico

Bank of Mexico
José Andrés Jiménez Guerra
Bank of Mexico
Ministry of Finance and Public Credit
Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos
Operadora de Fondos Banorte
Alejandro Faesi Puente
Grupo Financiero Banorte
Alfredo Puig Franco
Vector Casa de Bolsa
Allan Muñoz Parra
Coca-Cola FEMSA
Antonio Sibaja Luna
Profuturo Afore
Eduardo Gómez Macías
Eduardo Riba Aspe
Juan Badía Alonso
JP Morgan
Gilberto Romero Galindo
Ve por Más
Guillermo Andrés Moreno Arias
Afore SURA
Juan Carlos Escalera Amigo
Leonardo Franco Villa Reynolds
Afore XXI Banorte
Luis Antonio Betancourt Barrios
Luis Eugenio Alvarado Mejía
Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM)
Luis Manuel Murillo Peñaloza
Valores Mexicanos Casa de Bolsa
Manuel Meza Piza
BBVA Bancomer
Matt O’Hara
360 Trading Networks, Inc.
Mayte Rico Fernández
HSBC Global Asset Management
Pedro Arroyo Espinoza
Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones Bursátiles (AMIB)
Rafael Buerba Gómez
Santander Asset Management
Sergio Méndez Centeno
BlackRock México
Stine Moller-Hansen Secher
Nacional Financiera
Tomás Acosta Álvarez
Afore Citibanamex
Tomás Noriega Noriega
Monex Casa de Bolsa

Xavier Ormaechea Jaureguí
Scotiabank Inverlat


*Last update: August 2023.